Friday, March 22, 2013


Wednesday was a really good day.

After a few days of the aforementioned doing nothing together, we decided we needed an adventure. And have an adventure we did. Because adventure is out there if you're willing to look for it.

Our destination: East Nashville. Five Points, specifically. But thanks to our lack of general knowledge about where exactly Five Points is, we ran into an area, and some people, that we didn't expect, and that we loved!

We ended up parking on Porter Road, right in front of a little store called DCXV. Have you Nashvillians been to see this mural anytime recently?

Turns out, this guy Adrien designed it! It was a tiny little shop and it seemed like Brandon and I were the first people to visit in a little while (Adrien openly admitted to having spent the last hour or so stalking Anderson Cooper videos on CNN), but this guys' designs were really fantastic. It was a great conversation and I plan on heading back there sometime soon to purchase this tank that I saw in store.

In that same plaza are a few more little shops that boast local artists and organic candles that just felt nice to be in, window shopping and picking up a set of cute notecards, being the sucker for paper that I am. With Adrien's directions, we then made our way over to the Five Points area with just enough time to peruse a few more awesome shops and pick up a very important book:

It not only led to a helpful guide for dinner, but inspired a really awesome moment reliving so many fun memories over the past three years living in this city and eating our way around it, initialing all of the places we have been. I'm also so glad to have this book to help finish up my Nashville food bucket list over the next six weeks and cram in all the Nashville goodness I can!

And then, there was Bolton's Hot Chicken.

If you can't tell by the was really, REALLY HOT. I was a little bit nervous going into it because I'm not the biggest spicy food girl, and so when Brandon ordered for us, he made sure to ask for mild for me. Brandon, however, got the extra hot, and by mistake when the man brought us our sandwiches, I got the extra hot by mistake! There he is, eating his chicken like it's the easiest thing in the world, and I'm DYING over in my seat, trying to figure out why I'm such a wimp. We figured it out, but it was definitely an adventure in and of itself. After dinner, I initialed my name next to Bolton's to record our adventure, along with the words "never again". But I'm not sorry we went, it makes for a fun story that I can now say I've eaten something that spicy!

We took a couple fun pictures at Five Points on my Holga that I'm excited to develop. Speaking of which, I got my first batch of Holga pictures back and they are absolutely beautiful as well. Will be sharing those sometime soon.

Lots of love, good design and a burnt mouth,


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