Friday, July 5, 2013


Two days, a bunch of boxes, one small U-Haul trailer later, and I made it to Chapel Hill! This week has been quite the whirlwind and this is the first time I've actually had a chance to sit down at my computer, so forgive me for the lack of posts. 

It all started on Monday when I picked up Brandon from the airport on our last long-distance reunion ever!!! It has never felt so good people. Saying goodbye never gets easier when you live 500 miles apart, and I'm so glad we're done with it. :)

edited with the ABM app

Then on Wednesday morning we were off! We got a chance to see my good friend in Jacksonville at the amazing French Pantry and drove all day until we made it to Charlotte that night to stay with Brandon's parents. The afternoon of the 4th we drove to Winston-Salem for a party with friends! We ended up at the most amazingly close place for fireworks and saw one of the best shows I've ever seen. But what made it the sweetest was spending it with these folks.

This morning, we drove in to Chapel Hill! This weekend will be one of a lot of logistics, and I'm excited to start getting settled and getting ready to start work soon! 

Lots more soon! Hope everyone's 4th of July was fantastic!

xoxo. Abby

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